Have Questions?
Yes. Both 3 and 4 year old’s that attend part time 3 or 4 days a week daycare or full time 5 days a week daycare are automatically enrolled in Lil’ Cubs Preschool without any additional charge. This is a savings of $110.00 to $150.00 per month. It’s almost like getting a free week of daycare every month!
Yes. The discount listed in the current tuition rate sheet applies to the oldest child attending full time.
Most definitely! Lil’ Cubs has an open door policy and as a parent, you are always welcome. We do ask that if it upsets your child to “stop by” you use our room windows. These windows look directly into the classroom where you can see your child playing and interacting but they will not get upset by you coming and going.
Each age group has their own classroom. This allows for the children to bond with children of their own age. The ages break down as infants/toddlers, preschool, and school age.
No. Lil’ Cubs will be open for business and staffed every day. We have enough substitutes to cover sick days and days off. We believe it is not your responsibility to locate back up care for the days when your day care provider or their children are too sick to work.
Yes, sometimes it might take us longer to get everyone ready to go out but fresh air and the chance to use our large motor areas are an important part of a healthy child. Please send the appropriate clothing each day to Lil’ Cubs.
Yes, it is required by the State of Iowa that all forms be turned in before the child can start the program. These forms are: Intake Information, Picture Release, Travel Release (if applicable), Emergency Medical Release, Pick Up form, Discipline Policy, Health Form, Physical and Immunization forms.
Yes. Lil’ Cubs will be open every Monday for the scheduled (1 ½ hour) late start and any child enrolled in the full time Before & After School program will be cared for at no additional fee. All school age children will be under Lil’ Cubs staff supervision until they are picked up by the Nevada Community School bus that is scheduled to pick them up at our location.
The Iowa Dept. of Human Services requires that all children must be provided a regularly scheduled nap or resting time. Children will not be forced to sleep but are encouraged to lie quietly for a period of time. Children will be provided alternative quiet activities if unable to rest.